My Fair Lady Cast Announcement
23rd July 2017
The auditions have been completed, and the tough decisions have been made. Congratulations to all those successful,

Professor HigginsMichael Jamieson-Smith
Colonel PickeringMike Knell
Freddy Eynsford-HillAndy Banks
Alfred DoolittleKevin Randall
Mrs HigginsLynn White
Mrs PearceLinsay Martin
Mrs HopkinsKate Organ
KarparthyElliott Emanuel
Mrs Eynsford-HillLauraine Griffiths
MaidsGinette di Palma
Louise Songhurst
Julia Mirzoin
Sandra Patterson
ServantsChristopher Henderson
Paul Barter
Alex Harris
Bob Broad
Anna Dunbar
David Hynes
Chloe Free-Taylor
Christa Gaskell
Elliott Emanuel
Heidi Cripps
Jack Thrower
Helena Sergeant
Jon Purvis
Jane Morgan
Laurence de Rosa
Matt Hall
Julie Atkinson
Paul Denman
June Fuller
Tom Tapsfield
Lisa Everett
Kate Dellow
Lauren Hynes
Lorna Saisi
Louise Clarke
Maggie Tapsfield
Rachel Akery Thomas
Sophia Wallace
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